木村文乃 & 田中樹 主演決定!「連続ドラマW I, KILL」ティザー映像【WOWOW】


WOWOWと松竹・松竹京都撮影所がタッグを組んでお届けする、初の完全オリジナル大型企画「連続ドラマW I, KILL」(読み・アイキル)。この度、木村文乃と田中樹がともに主演を務めることが決定した。二人の共演は本作が初となる。
WOWOW, Shochiku, and Shochiku Kyoto Studio have teamed up to bring you the first completely original large-scale project, ” Series Drama W I, KILL” . It has been decided that Fumino Kimura and Juri Tanaka will co-star in this drama. This will be the first time the two have starred together.
Fumino Kimura will star in a WOWOW original drama for the first time in about six years since the hit crime suspense series “Murder Analysis Team,” which was broadcast and distributed in three parts from 2015 to 2019. In this work, she plays the role of Orin, a former ninja who stands up as a mother to protect her unrelated daughter Toki in an extreme world where monsters called “Gunkyo” attack.
Juri Tanaka has been chosen as the other main character. This will be his first appearance in a WOWOW original drama and his lead role. Tanaka, who debuted as a member of SixTONES in 2020 and has attracted attention as an actor for his extraordinary presence and wide range of expressiveness, will play the role of Shiro, a mysterious man who has become a “Gunkyo” while retaining his human consciousness.
Japan; 400 years ago. 35 years after shogun Tokugawa has united the country


  1. 樹くんゾンビ映画、夢だったよね?!叶えたんだ!おめでとう!!

  2. 樹の演技って他の方とは違う雰囲気あってめっちゃ好き

  3. コメ欄に田中担しかいない辺りでなんか、ね

  4. wowow登録せな!!!!!!

  5. 田中が役に合いすぎてる

  6. 時代劇ゾンビドラマみたいな感じ?

  7. え、ゾンビでてくるの?樹よかったねー!

  8. うーん

  9. SixTONESって演技上手いから樹のドラマ楽しみ!!

  10. 樹すこすぎないか!?!?

  11. じゅりが時代劇系のやるとは思わなくてびっくりした

  12. 悲しげな目元が美しいですね

  13. またジャニーズがメインに見えちゃう映画の誕生だぁ。
