『赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。』ティーザー予告編- Netflix


赤ずきんが探偵として、名作童話の世界で巻き起こる難事件を解決する コメディミステリー!



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#Netflix, #ネットフリックス, #ネトフリ, #赤ずきん旅の途中で死体と出会う,#OnceUponaCrime, #橋本環奈, #新木優子,#岩田剛典,#福田雄一


  1. Let ‘em cook!!!

  2. If they include Snow White, please let there be SEVEN DWARFS!!!

  3. This is good, disney woke sucks


  5. akazuki uwu

  6. now this is race swapping done right

  7. Name?

  8. hollywood would have made cinderalla black and the guy hispanic lmao
    this looks dope , hope they release a dub

  9. I’m so ready for this to become one of my favourite movies

  10. How to type cringe in japanese ?

  11. I wanna see this DX

  12. Red riding hood: fairy tale Detective.

  13. ¡Yo quiero verla!

  14. いつ佐藤二郎さんが「え?んんん?え?ん?えっ?えっ?どうした?ん?どうしたのコレ?何コレ?誰か説明してコレ」出てくるのが期待してまう

  15. 環奈ちゃんなら、なんでも可愛すぎます

  16. This looks GREAT! … And here in America, we get Snow Woke. 🙁

  17. Wow! This looks promising!

  18. Hmm

  19. Funny hw asian doing fairy tales Better than Disney the company built on fairy tales

  20. Snow White can take a backseat. Japan did the classics better than Disney lmfao

  21. これ!!!原作気になってたやつーー!!!え!!!予告の時点でめっちゃ好み…ネトフリ、契約するか…?

  22. titple please? i think the girl is familiar

  23. I really thought this was remake of Akazukin Cha Cha on cartoon network;p

  24. still better than Disney’s new “Snow White” (Mud Brown) or their new The Little Mermaid. lol

  25. Loooooooveeeeeee heeeeerrrrr

  26. Indian be like: subtitles kaha hai g*** mei daal liye ho kya subtitles ko

  27. OMG KANNA!!!

  28. I’m hoping this will be available in the U.S. to watch.

  29. oh my goodness!!!! Please send this to Braziill

  30. これで声が酒焼けじゃなければなぁ。

  31. コスプレしてこの人たち何してんの?笑笑

  32. Somehow, I was expacting someone black

  33. ディズニーがポリコレ白雪姫とか作ってる横でこのクオリティ、さすが日本や

  34. this looks very low budget but interesting enough to be enjoyable also all the clothing looks like they got them from like a theather play or somthing

  35. え?!

  36. Why are these anime girls cosplaying Cinderella

  37. this looks so magical~ ♥

  38. 映画館で観れたらいいな

  39. 寒い…

  40. *Once Upon a Crime* is a great title

  41. グリム童話の夢のコラボレーション✨


  43. I know this is a parody movie on European fairy tales but it looks way better than any Disney live adaptation

  44. Will there be an international release. This looks interesting.

  45. The best part is there was no black actors, thanks japan <3

  46. متى ينزل؟واضح حسنة نت فليكس

  47. Into the Woods made by Japan? Interested.

  48. 出演費含め金かかってそうだけど映像のチープ感が否めない

  49. 赤ずきんの話し全無視で草

  50. واااو حبيييت
    الفلم مقتبس من رواية يابانية من تأليف Aito Aoyagi

  51. Something to do with red riding hood becoming a process like Cinderella and something about killing someone. That’s what I picked from the little japanese I know from playing otome games and anime. Akazuki I know that from taisho Alice otome game haha. Aka is red

  52. Whoa the dresses looks so pretty!!

  53. I wish Japanese acting style could be less cringy

  54. Hey Disney! Look at this amazing trailer! Thanks, Netflix Japan!

  55. Will there be English subtitles cause I think I’d like to watch this?

  56. Wait this isn’t right where is the drag queens? The emasculated men? The modern political takes? The main character calling all the fans bigoted? The shoe horned identity politics? This can’t be happening, I just woke up my wifes boyfriend sobbing.

  57. simplesmente caí de paraquedas nesse trailer e já amei

  58. I thought it’s red riding hood? But there’s Cinderella also..

  59. ㄹㅇ 천년돌

  60. It’s so over the top that ends up been fun to watch !

  61. the first 15 seconds, i thought it will be gintama’s kagura side story as a comedy.

  62. Must be nice to be in a country where you’re able to enjoy a movie without identity politics shoved in your face.

  63. I’d watch this cause it has 0 woke propaganda

  64. Oh shit, they’ve made the live action of that special anime

  65. Почему ни одного афро-американского актёра нет в кадре, нет европейских актёров ! Нетфликс двуличная корпорация. Значит для Китая снимают сериалы чисто с китайскими актёрами.

  66. já quero assistir!!!

  67. Wou que emoción ✨️✨️✨️✨️

  68. なんか なろう系くさい

  69. Netflishhh y no hay inclusión forzad…. (por lo menos en el tráiler XD) Tocara ver el Dorama ´´

  70. 原作より面白そう!

  71. I have no idea why YouTube sent me here, but I’m in.

  72. I’m happy that japan is keeping the European culture alive. Also the girls look really cute.

  73. i know kanna since 2013, but she seems overused, her acting is ok but her voice is so off

  74. You know I thought this would just be a random ass drama that would pop up on my recommendations to be scrolled past and never seen again, but damn this is impressive. As a big fan of folklore, the Lolita/Victorian aesthetic and especially shitting on Disney, this is definitely going on my never ending watchlist, thank you YouTube.

  75. correct me if Im wrong, the red haired girl is Kagura from the Live action Gintama and the prince is the leader of Hoodlum Squad in High and Low? dammmnnnn this is a much watch!!!!!

  76. What’s the title in English

  77. I do hope this is released worldwide to view.

  78. 孝典大好き王子様。

  79. Yes!!!!!

  80. Excited for this!

  81. crazy how asian women look more like the original character than what disney would chose.

  82. idk what this is but I know I wanna watch it

  83. When do we get in the west!?

  84. 鏡よ鏡。世界で一番可愛い女性はだーれ??

  85. 福田雄一……

  86. Красная шапочка пришла к золушке. Хорошо ,что не чёрная золушка.
    Выглядит мило

  87. Detective Red Riding Hood: ” I will solve the murder by all means! In the name of my Grandma! “

  88. I almost thought RWBY got a kdrama adaption

  89. これわ素晴らしい

  90. hmm kore wa omoshiroi desu ne!

  91. 0:36可愛い過ぎるだろ!

  92. wtf is this? japanese copying/ripping off disney cinderella…or some shi___??? they should be ashamed…….if this is an adaptation ok…but if its original…NOPE…its a carbon copy.

    and that music and presentation………so disney……..so lame.

    the good thing is that you will not see any woke, progre(black people, gender swap. gays, women empower), bs , because japanese hate that crap.

  93. only in japan????????????

  94. Better then what disney producing at least, and doing with a smaller budget! Now thats sad!

  95. 日本人がヨーロッパ人を演じてドレス着ても似合わないです。橋本環奈もかわいくないです。せめてアニメで作れよ。クレオパトラを黒人が演じたらエジプトから怒られたように、日本人も怒られるべき。

  96. now compare this to that woke Cinderella remake with their gay ass fairy lmfao

  97. Why red riding hood in cinderella story?? Look weird to me. But, i like the costumes

  98. i guess japan found an opportunity since Disney is going woke

  99. best Cinderella of all time is Libuše Šafránková (three wishes for Cinderella from 1973)


  100. Shinderella XD.

  101. Georgeous!

  102. 今後は漫画の実写化に橋本環奈が出る場合、実写化オリジナルキャラの役をやることをお勧めします。どうしても彼女を出したいなら。

  103. 大河ドラマ見るより、こっちの方が向いてるかも

  104. Everything looks good but im so confused. Little red riding hood, Cinderella, The Musketeers. wtf is going on lol

  105. ❤❤❤

  106. Ehhh is it kana and yamada again?

  107. この本まじで面白かった

  108. OMG THIS TOTALLY GIVES ME VIBES FROM THOSE 2000s shoujo princess type anime! I really wanna watch this ; _;

  109. はしかん可愛すぎるだろ

  110. 何か海外の映画ぽくてすき☆

  111. Awful acting, terrible CGI, but the girls are cute and that’s what really matters.

  112. For more respectful to the legacy than Disney even cares to be. Beautifully done.

  113. 岩ちゃん!!!!

  114. LoL, This is a better version than Disney’s

  115. 橋本環奈で富江とかやったらホラーじゃなくてコメディ映画になるかな

  116. Red Riding Hood meets Cinderella? Awesome! ❤

  117. 面白そう

  118. Ok, I’m sold!

  119. somehow it looks better then the disney adaptations of these stories

  120. Thank god Japan dosnt bend a knee to Hollywood
    Otherwise this trailer would be alot different

  121. Todo eso lo hacen mejor que disney ve

  122. 面白そ~

  123. 厳しいこと言うけどキャスティングに対するストイックさが感じられない。

  124. name movie?

  125. interesting

  126. why do asians create adaptations of Western novels so much better than Western countries at this time?
    My respect to them.

  127. 今日見たい すぐ見たい

  128. 監督が福田雄一なのが心配

  129. やっぱ環奈ちゃんのこういう前髪好き!

  130. 環奈ちゃんはハーフみがある美少女だから万国共通に可愛さが届く。

  131. クソつまんなそう

  132. I wanna watch it now.

  133. 環奈好漂亮呀@@

  134. 私のほうが可愛い


  135. 美しいから見たいけど、福田作品苦手

  136. hashimoto kanna…. whats her title again…..Japan’s ‘once in a thousand years’ idol. something like that

  137. ストーリーもすごく面白かったしグラフィックとか画面全てが美しすぎた…

  138. いいね

  139. いいね

  140. いいね

  141. いいね

  142. いいね

  143. It’s so terrible that this movie made Cinderella a murderer. Very disrespectful to the Disneyland story created many years ago. Cinderella’s character, created by Disneyland, is very honorable but this movie destroyed it.This movie destroyed Cinderella’s character because the creator of this movie is anti American.

  144. It’s so terrible that this movie made Cinderella a murderer. Very disrespectful to the Disneyland story created many years ago. Cinderella’s character, created by Disneyland, is very honorable but this movie destroyed it.This movie destroyed Cinderella’s character because the creator of this movie is anti American.

  145. 白人のコスプレしてのお遊戯は国内だけにしといてほしい

  146. 白人のコスプレしてのお遊戯は国内だけにしといてほしい

  147. つまらなくはなかったけどミステリーもファンタジーもコメディもどれも中途半端感が強かった。

  148. つまらなくはなかったけどミステリーもファンタジーもコメディもどれも中途半端感が強かった。

  149. Very nice!

  150. Very nice!

  151. 어제 이거 봤는데 일본 반응이 긍금하네요 일본에서는 이영화 평가 좋나요??

  152. 어제 이거 봤는데 일본 반응이 긍금하네요 일본에서는 이영화 평가 좋나요??

  153. What the tittle?

  154. What the tittle?

  155. This movie was a disappointment….. no one learned their lesson or was made to be a better person. Not even the Prince if I am being honest, he was already like that.

  156. This movie was a disappointment….. no one learned their lesson or was made to be a better person. Not even the Prince if I am being honest, he was already like that.

  157. まるで洋画の雰囲気

  158. まるで洋画の雰囲気

  159. まるで洋画の雰囲気

  160. анимешка какая то )

  161. анимешка какая то )

  162. 外国の映画をコピーしようとしています

  163. 外国の映画をコピーしようとしています

  164. なんで美容師に傷つけられた側が完全悪みたいになってんのか腑に落ちなかった

  165. なんで美容師に傷つけられた側が完全悪みたいになってんのか腑に落ちなかった

  166. 橋本環奈ちゃんの水戸黄門のような、ただの旅の者ですと、言うとは?

  167. Bad movie

  168. これマジで映画見なくとも原作だけは読んでほしい
