『SEE HEAR LOVE 見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる』予告映像 | プライムビデオ


2023年6月9日(金) 独占配信開始
「SEE HEAR LOVE 見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる」


監督・脚本:イ・ジェハン (John H, Lee)
主題歌:山下智久「I See You」 (Label9)
出演:山下智久 新木優子/高杉真宙 山本舞香/深水元基 渡辺大(友情出演)
加藤雅也 (友情出演) 菅原大吉/山口紗弥加 夏木マリ
原作:『見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる』 © NASTY CAT / SUPERCOMIX STUDIO Corp.

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  1. I’ve just finished the movie and honestly, it would be a 4/10 for me and here are some of my thoughts:

    The concept of the movie is good, it’s always good to highlight the struggles of people with disabilities and their dating scenes, it could become a very intriguing and inspirational film for the general public. However, the execution and at times awkward or overly dramatic turns of events just threw it all off for me.

    Furthermore, in the first half of the movie, I was just too distracted by the fact that the male lead slept with an underage girl at the height of covid outbreak in Japan. I am sure he’s a very talented actor and singer and I grew up watching him, he did mention that the girl didn’t tell him her real age so he thought she was over 18 (in Japan the legal age of consent is 18) but since he was in his mid-30s, you can’t help but ask what was a man in his mid-30s doing with a girl who he presumed to be in her late teen or early 20s? The weird thing is the girl in question also faced backlash to a certain extent due to the fact that she lied about her age, yes, it’s wrong to mislead people into thinking you are not underage but she was an impressionable young girl who was probably star-struck when she saw her idol and she was underage. It is always the adult’s responsibility to say no in situations like this, I have no problem with teenagers hanging out with teenagers even if there’s a 2-3 years age gap but when a man/woman whose age is so much older than the younger counterpart, and they have all the options in the world because of their wealth and status, why on earth would they choose to hang out with somebody who maybe just comes of age? Of course, they are planning to take advantage of the young person and it’s simply an abuse of power in this kind of situations.

    If you are bored and have 2 hours to spare without wanting to be too focused or invested in a movie, it’s a great movie to play in the background but there are moments that I felt were over-sensationalised to a moment of being slightly ridiculous which doesn’t paint a good picture for a serious romantic movie.

  2. ディスりたいわけじゃない!

  3. 毎日の当たり前を当たり前だと思わず大切な人やものに感謝して生きていきたい

  4. 見ようかなーって思ったのに歌で冷めた。

  5. i’ve just finished watching this masterpiece, soaked in tears and smiling through the pain.
    it’s going to be my new favorite Japanese movie. Amazing direction and cinematography. the ACTING is beyond real. LOVE IT. ❤❤

  6. 원작 웹툰을 보고 눈물 한바가지 흘렸습니다 영화도 그랬으면 좋겠네요

  7. 目が見えない人の目線じゃない、

  8. ネタバレは許可得てました

  9. ネタバレは許可得てました

  10. 今日見ました。本当に映画館で見たかったなって心から思いました。特に新木優子ちゃんの演技うますぎて引き込まれました。本当に凄かったです

  11. 今日見ました。本当に映画館で見たかったなって心から思いました。特に新木優子ちゃんの演技うますぎて引き込まれました。本当に凄かったです

  12. 終始泣いてました。大好きな映画まです。本当本当に心の底からおすすめの映画です。気になる方は絶対見て欲しい

  13. 終始泣いてました。大好きな映画まです。本当本当に心の底からおすすめの映画です。気になる方は絶対見て欲しい

  14. 내머리속 지우개 감독님 이시구만..

  15. 내머리속 지우개 감독님 이시구만..

  16. これが日本映画の限界だ

  17. これが日本映画の限界だ

  18. 僕は台湾人だけど、「SEE HEAR LOVE 見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる」一番好きな日本の映画だよ!

  19. 僕は台湾人だけど、「SEE HEAR LOVE 見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる」一番好きな日本の映画だよ!

  20. 山Pのファンだからふと見てみようとしたら

  21. 山Pのファンだからふと見てみようとしたら

  22. Πόσο όμορφος!!!

  23. Πόσο όμορφος!!!

  24. 今見終わったけど

  25. 今見終わったけど

  26. 今見終わったけど

  27. ♥️

  28. superご都合主義作品!

  29. superご都合主義作品!

  30. Beautiful movie

  31. アマゾンプライムだから会員にならないと見られないのかな?

  32. just finish watching good film

  33. 泣ける

  34. This one hit different from any other japanese movies or dramas
    I guess is based on manga can’t see can’t hear but love
    Love from india
