

ゴジラ70周年記念作品となる本作『ゴジラ −1.0』で監督・脚本・VFXを務めるのは、山崎貴。

出演:神木隆之介 浜辺美波 
山田裕貴 青木崇高 
吉岡秀隆 安藤サクラ 佐々木蔵之介

ラージフォーマット(IMAX、MX4D、4DX、Dolby Cinema、ScreenX)を含め、東宝配給作品最大級となる全国500館以上での公開が決定。

#ゴジラマイナスワン #ゴジラ #godzilla

©2023 TOHO CO.,LTD.


  1. It looked great. I just don’t know what I watched.

  2. 今回ゴジラ顔可愛いから観に行く

  3. I can’t wait

  4. Japan knows how to make REAL Godzilla movies

  5. One word: wow

  6. Наконец-то Годизила получит продолжение без голливудщины!

  7. え?ハリウッド版じゃなく日本版の作品なの?

  8. There is a part of me that’s curious what would Godzilla think/do if no one is running away from him or trying to shoot him down. Would he still be as angry or would he leave humans alone as he chills in his own piece of land somewhere in the pacific near Japan. OR maybe, he decides to work as the world police for superpower nations to stop waging wars because it’s too noisy for the big guy and he offs the entire country or both that’s warring with each other. Then to make it more interesting to modern anime fanboys, Godzilla lets out an atomic heat beam (just coz he was bored) that created or expanded a rip in the fabric of time/space which created a portal to a parallel world… but the people there have random super powers and Godzilla chooses to bestow super powers to his world’s champions to fight off incoming villains who would take over Earth 1.

  9. How did I get here o.o?

  10. This is going to be so EPIC

  11. Wtf

  12. 고질라는 못참지

  13. All right looks pretty good, cant wait to watch the old boy wrecking Tokyo like he does best.

  14. Godzila vs Shin Godzila?
